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Business Flyer

businessflyerIn the business flyer publication I tried to do a simple design that went well with the large picture in the center. This flyer is advertising Harwood Music, which is a store that sells a wide variety of CDs. The flyer is simple and gets to the point. It states where Harwood Music store locations and how to contact the store through email and by telephone.

Harwood Music is bolded and in the largest font. Below this is Harwood Music’s motto which is the best selection in town. This states that there is a wide variety of music available for sale. The focal point of this flyer is the picture of the world with the headphones on it. The picture is in black and white. This picture reinforces that in Harwood Music, one can hear music from all around the world.

Surrounding the whole document is a dark border. Within the flyer, the picture of the world with the headphones has a dark outline surrounding it. Based off the outline of the picture I added a dark border with a thick stroke to give the flyer a slick look. A person can look at this flyer and can see exactly what they need to know about Harwood Music.